Photo: Jacek Dylag via Unsplash

EASSH is the largest advocacy and science policy organisation for the social sciences and humanities in Europe. 

The alliance has over 80 member organisations including a wide range of disciplinary areas, stakeholders and universities from across Europe – and encompassing over 100,000 researchers. 

Member list Joining EASSH


Professor Joe O’Hara, Dublin City University, was elected as the new President of EASSH at the General Assembly meeting on 5 December 2024 in Brussels.

FP10, the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme, offers promising opportunities to build on the SSH integration from the former programmes to strengthen the backbone of an innovative and competitive Europe.

The next meeting of the EASSH General Assembly will be held in Brussels on 5–6 December 2024.

Position Papers

A Prosperous and Competitive Europe - Joint position paper on SSH in FP10

With this joint statement, our associations as key stakeholders of research and innovation urge the European Commission, European Parliament and EU Member States to lay the groundwork...

SSH integration analysis: A research-on-research approach to EU framework programmes

Monitoring integration is an important obligation for the Framework Programme to deliver truly interdisciplinary programmes.

Monitoring SSH integration still matters

This EASSH position paper is a reflection on the Final Monitoring Report on the Integration of SSH in H2020. We have endeavoured to improve the integration of SSH in Horizon Europe...


How EASSH works

EASSH draws on the global international expertise and insight of its members, informing and influencing European policymakers and decision makers.

Working groups bring SSH research and knowledge into the public debate, and strengthen European research and cooperation among public and private partners.