Meet the new EASSH President: Professor Joe O’Hara

EASSH asked Joe O'Hara a few questions.
What are you looking forward to as EASSH president?
I have been involved with EASSH since 2018, and I have witnessed the extraordinary growth of the Association over that period. I am looking forward to the continued growth of EASSH, but also to the enhancement of our already strong collegial culture.
I would like members to take an active role in all aspects of the association, bringing their disciplinary and other insights to the work of EASSH. Together, we can enhance our impact across Europe and beyond.
Finally, I am looking forward to working with and supporting Gabi and the rest of the EASSH team. They have done an amazing job in recent years and I think we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
What experience do you bring with you that will come in use to you in your new role?
I was lucky enough to be President of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) from 2018 to 2023. EERA is the largest educational research association in Europe, made up of 42 national research associations and representing nearly 20,000 active researchers. I learned to nurture a community of researchers united by a commitment to research and society. This is knowledge that I intend to bring to the service of EASSH.
The experience of leading EERA through the pandemic and the outbreak of armed conflict on our continent gave me a real insight into the importance of collegiality, integrity, and generosity in the research arena.
It also emphasised the centrality of research communities to the development of academic disciplines and the wider development of societies. I hope that I can bring forward this broader awareness of the potential impact of our collective work at EASSH.
What are you reading at the moment?
A History of the World in 47 Borders by John Elledge. This is quite a fun book that is filled with the type of historical trivia that is essential for table quiz addicts such as myself. On a slightly more serious note, it compellingly argues that all political and social constructs are inherently contingent and highlights the necessity for ongoing refinement, dedication, and critical examination in maintaining successful polities.
I would – naturally – argue that EASSH is particularly well-positioned to contribute to this effort, both through collective action and individual initiatives.