Publishing ethics and integrity: Recording available
EASSH organised a webinar on "Publishing ethics & integrity in a changing research environment" together with Taylor & Francis in January.
During this webinar we talked about research integrity and how to align research activities with ethical principles and responsible research and publication practices.
Sabina Alam (Director of Publishing Ethics & Integrity at Taylor & Francis) shared insights from a leading academic publisher on what publishers do to ensure the ethics and integrity standards of publications, and the key editorial policies they’ve implemented to support ethical research practice.
Ilse Derluyn (Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy at Ghent University) illustrated ethics in research from a broad perspective and gave some examples of her research on the well-being of unaccompanied refugee minors and the war-affected victims in the Global South.
John Deer (EASSH Governing Board) chaired the discussion.