SSH Call for Covid-19

This Second Call for an Expression of Interest includes a topic on the ‘’ SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2C - Behavioural, social and economic impacts of the outbreak response’’, dealing with social and economic impacts of the outbreak response across Europe, non-intended consequences of epidemic-control decisions, mental health and health inequalities. Results and policy recommendations coming out of this topic are expected to speed up recovery, strengthen society’s resilience and improve preparedness for future emergencies.
The total budget for this topic amounts to EUR 20 million and proposals requesting an EU contribution of between EUR 4 and 10 million are considered addressing the topic appropriately.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 11 June 2020.
We count on your interest and strongly encourage you to submit your proposals for the aforementioned call and show how the SSH research community is ready to addressing the challenge of Covid-19.
Please follow the link below to see the details of the call and submit your proposals: