SSH in Horizon Europe - an historical result

EASSH has been following the negotiations closely and supported funding for Humanities and Social Sciences research both in a dedicated cluster (Cluster 2a), in ERC and as an integrated part of the whole programme.
The community of social sciences and humanities wants to thank the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States for for the historical increase of the budget for the Cluster ‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’. In fact, after a first approval of €1.250Bn the final negotiations have also allocated another €900M to this cluster.
The EC estimates that the amount effectively available for Cluster 2 actions increases from €1 billion to €1,9 billion for the period 2021-2027. The increase will mostly materialise from the second Horizon Europe Work Programme for 2023-2024. Also an increased budget by €1.7Bn was allocated to the ERC, which has been a great promoter of SSH, in fact in Horizon 2020 it is estimated that about 24% of the overall budget of ERC has been allocated to projects in SSH domain.
Thanks Europe!!