EC High Level Group invites EASSH to co-design FP9
On Tuesday 6 June, the EC High Level Group led by Pascal Lamy has invited EASSH among the stakeholders for a discussion on Maximising the Impact of EU Research and Innovation Programmes.
The mandate of the High Level Group – in the context of the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 – is to draw strategic recommendations on EU R&I programmes in the future. The Group is working towards issuing a report which will be presented at the 'Research and Innovation: Shaping our Future' conference in Brussels on 3rd July. As a crucial part of the evidence base from which the recommendations will be drawn, the Group considers it very important to be able to meet with different EU-level stakeholder organisations whose members are actively engaged in EU R&I programmes. EASSH was also invited to submit a short paper addressing few key issues.
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