Framework Programme
FP9 ‘s ambitious aims for societal impact call for a step change in interdisciplinarity and citizen engagement
EASSH greatly welcomes these ideas and trends: the European SSH community, represented by the Alliance, has been a strong champion of “real” interdisciplinarity and of concrete and innovative approaches to citizen engagement at various critical stages in the programme and project cycles.

Framework Programme
FP9 must invest in Research for a Democratic Union and the European Social Dimension
The European Alliance for SSH calls on the EU to make an ambitious investment in Democracy and the European Social Dimension. The 9th Framework Programme for European research 2021-2027 must address the changing nature of citizenship and democracy.

Research Funding
Funding Research Between Public and Private Resources, The role of SSH research in Europe. A roundtable with European Foundations
EASSH would like to thank Wellcome Trust for hosting a lunch in London, which brought together European foundations committed to supporting research in the social sciences and humanities.

Framework Programme
FAB – LAB – APP: The perspective of the European Alliance for SSH on the HLG Report
The HLG’s work on the next Framework Programme emerges in a very fragile political environment, where humanitarian crisis, political fragility, populism and deep societal changes are among the most pressing issues for Europe’s future.

Programme Impact
EC High Level Group invites EASSH to co-design FP9
On Tuesday 6 June, the EC High Level Group led by Pascal Lamy has invited EASSH among the stakeholders for a discussion on Maximising the Impact of EU Research and Innovation Programmes.

SSH Integration
EC Forth SSH Stakeholders meeting, 10 May 2017: EASSH revisits the DGRI Issue Papers for the HLG
On 10 May 2017, the European Commission invited EASSH and other SSH stakeholders to discuss the State of play of Societal challenge 6 and Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020.