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European Association of Social Anthropologists / Association Européenne des Anthropologues Sociaux (EASA) is a professional association open to all social anthropologists either qualified in, or else working in, Europe.

The Association seeks to advance anthropology in Europe by organizing biennial conferences.

EASA's academic journal, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale appears four times a year.

EASA is member of the World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA).

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Kim Knott, President

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Social Anthropology

The European Association of the Study of Religions promotes the academic study of religions through the international collaboration of scholars in Europe whose research has a bearing on the subject. 

The objective of the EASR is pursued by the usual means of scholarly activity such as the arrangement of conferences, symposia or colloquia, the encouragement of scholarly publications, the exchange of information through electronic or other means, and  other activities.

Contact info

President: Silvana Colella
Universita' di Macerata
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Lingue, Mediazione, Storia, Lettere, Filosofia
via Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni, 28, 62100 Macerata
T.+39 0733 258 4062

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The European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres is a university-based initiative to organise European Research Institutes, Humanities Faculties and Centres for the Humanities.

The profile of the humanities in Europe today has become a contested space that is often the focus of polemical debates but seldom the object of rigorous scientific discussions. This consortium rests on the double assumption that effective international and intra-European networking in defence of the humanities, on the one hand, and interdisciplinary research across the field of the humanities, on the other, can play a significant role in shaping this debate about the humanities today and offer workable alternatives to the renewal of the field. The consortium pursues the highest international standards of excellence with a spirit of innovation and exploration of new research areas, but also with an acute sense of the social and political relevance of the humanities in Europe today.

Contact info

Kris Deschouwer
Executive Committee Chair
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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Social Sciences

Founded in 1970, ECPR is the leading European academic association with a mission to advance political science.

We bring scholars together across our global network to develop research and grow the discipline. Our members are universities, and the communities within them, engaged in the research and teaching of social sciences. Through our events, publications and research groups, we foster scholarly collaboration across borders.

We support academics at every stage of their career, providing training, research opportunities and professional development.

ECPR helps interpret the world’s complex and changing political landscape for the benefit of all.

Contact info

Didier Georgakakis
Member of the Board
Contact: Beatriz Camacho
University of Valencia
Facultad de Derecho/Law School
Avda. Los Naranjos, s.n. Valencia, 46022 (Spain)

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Social Sciences

In November 2007 the European Confederation of Political Science Associations (ECPSA) was founded in Berlin, Germany. It is currently a union of twenty-three national and international associations of political science in Europe.

ECPSA promotes the discipline of political science throughout Europe. As the European higher education landscape is increasingly harmonised, there is need for an organisation to promote the discipline’s interests and pursue its professional goals. The Confederation seeks to make political science more meaningful in public debate and policy-making. It facilitates collaboration between political science associations with the aim of improving services and benefits to the members of each. ECPSA has as its main functions to: 

1- provide political science associations in Europe with a forum for the deliberation of common issues (such as teaching, curricula, research and resourcing, etc.) and a framework for cooperation;
2- represent political science as a discipline to the general public, policy-makers and the media;
3- facilitate the mobility of academics and students across Europe;
4- share information on the Bologna process and other developments of the higher education landscape in Europe and enhance the interests of political science in those processes;
5- support democratic political / civic education;
6- contribute to the development of methods and standards of quality assurance and accreditation;
7- ensure that decision-makers consider the discipline’s interests in regard to issues of doctoral training, employment qualifications and professional standing, both nationally and across Europe;
8- disseminate best practice in the management and organisation of academic and professional associations;
9- develop relations with other political science groups, associations and with cognate disciplines.

Contact info

John Downey
ECREA Vice-president

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ECREA is a learned society of communication scholars devoted to the development of communication research and higher education in Europe.
ECREA is organised into:
  • 24 thematic sections, each developing a distincative field of communication studies,
  • 4 Temporary Working Groups which focus on emerging or underrepresented fields within media and communication studies, and
  • 3 permanent Networks representing specific socio-demographic categories of scholars.
Driven by the volunteer work of over one hundred Section, Temporary Working Group and Network Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and eleven-member Executive Board, ECREA is an association with a strong bottom-up organisational culture. This means that many projects and ideas are born from the creative energy and enthusiasm of our members.
Contact info

Daniela Preis
EERA Office
Marit Honerød Hoveid


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Social Sciences

The aim of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) is to further high quality educational research for the benefit of education and society. High quality research not only acknowledges its own context but also recognises wider, transnational contexts with their social, cultural and political similarities and differences. The association’s activities, such as the annual conference, season schools for emerging researchers and publishing, build on and promote free and open dialogue and critical discussion and take a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to theory, methods and research ethics.

EERA  is an association of educational research associations. Every national, regional or supra-regional corporation engaged in general educational research may become a member, as long as they are domiciled in Europe.

Contact info

Prof Dr Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans
EGPA President

Dr Fabienne Maron
IIAS Scientific Director
EGPA Executive Secretary
International Institute of Administrative Sciences
Tel : +32-(0)2 897 49 83

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Social Sciences

The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) is the major learned society in the domain of administrative sciences on the European continent, and a regional group of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS).
EGPA supports the development of the IIAS and provides a major contribution to the achievement of the mission of the institute: developing public administration and the public service worldwide.  
EGPA aims at being the European Platform for Public Administration associating specialized researchers and practitioners.

The EGPA Strategy reflects the double nature of the domain:

  • To public administration as an interdisciplinary field of scientific disciplines, EGPA contributes by providing platforms in most key areas of research and scholarly inquiry in the domain: twenty-two Permanent Study Groups (PSGs) are currently active and our Annual Conference is a major scientific events at continental level.
  • To public administration as an art and a profession, EGPA contributes by providing useful knowledge that may support the work of public servants and agents in Europe and beyond: EGPA Policy Papers on European Governance.

EGPA aims:

  • to organise and encourage the generation and exchange of knowledge on developments in the theory and practice of public administration;
  • to contribute to the development of comparative studies on public administrations in a European perspective;
  • to facilitate innovation in ideas and models, methods and techniques relating to public administration;
  • to foster the development and consolidation of a community of experts of PA, grouping together recognized scholars, young researchers, and practitioners.
Contact info

Gábor Sonkoly
Professor, Doctor of Science (DSc)
Lecturer, Institute of Historical Studies & Atelier Department for Interdisciplinary History
T: +36-1-411-6500
Phone/ext.: 5817

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Social Sciences
Natural Sciences

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), the oldest continuously operating university in Hungary, was founded in the rural town of Nagyszombat in 1635 by Cardinal Péter Pázmány. It serves the interests of research and first-rate higher education rooted in European tradition.

The mission of ELTE is to preserve and increase national and universal culture and literacy, to cultivate scholarship, to pass on scientific knowledge, and to express and fulfil the substantive, long-term needs of Hungarian society and of Humanity as a whole.

ELTE aims at training accomplished intellectuals in possession of state-of-the-art knowledge, who:

  • are able to recognize and analyse problems; to work out possible solutions and to take responsible decisions;
  • are looking for consensus; and understand and respect different cultures;
  • are aware of their individual responsibility for the future of their immediate environment as well as the future of Hungary, Europe and the whole of Humanity;
  • represent the values of professionalism, solidarity and humanity;
  • respect general ethical principles as well as human dignity, and respect the free expression of ideas.

ELTE offers more than 100 degree programs to international students in the fields of Business, Education and Psychology, Humanities, Informatics, Law, Primary and Pre-School Education, Social Sciences and Science. Currently, about 3000 international students study at ELTE and the community of international students is growing from year to year.

Contact info

Dr. Michael Ochsner
President of ENRESSH
Senior researcher
+41 (0)21 692 37 46

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Social Sciences

The “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” (ENRESSH) is an association dedicated to the study of research evaluation protocols and policy in the SSH. ENRESSH aims to propose clear best practices in the field of SSH research evaluation.

Initially called EvalHum, it was the force behind the ENRESSH COST Action, that ended in April 2020. Proposed by a group of some 20 researchers from 16 countries, all EvalHum members, it grew to bring together more than 125 participants from 37 countries and with 3 international partner countries.

The international reputation was such that the board decided to continue under the ENRESSH name, but still as an association under French law.

Contact info

Meri Georgievska – Van de Laar
Director European Affairs and Liaison Officer

Erasmus University Rotterdam
+31 (0) 636135622

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Social Sciences

Erasmus University Rotterdam is a dynamic, international, diverse, inclusive, and curiosity-driven research university. With strong ties to the diverse city of Rotterdam, the wider delta region, our strategic alliances and in close cooperation with its global community, Erasmus University Rotterdam makes minds matter, and creates positive societal impact.

Our university was founded in 1913. Together with a population of 30,000 enthusiastic students and around 1,600 curious academic staff, we focus on solving society’s challenges. Through the emphasis on the social, behavioural, cultural, and historical context, we are in a unique position to help academia, industry and policymakers to understand the causes, mechanisms, and effects of societal challenges, as well as how to deal with these challenges.

A solid foundation in monodisciplinary knowledge and an increased focus on interdisciplinarity leads to a research portfolio covering the full spectrum from fundamental to more applied research.

The connection and interaction between science and society, between theory and practice, are part of our DNA. Talented researchers who enter into international collaborations with an open mind move science forward. With the Erasmus Initiatives, we join forces for science that matters. The four themes of these inter-disciplinary research initiatives – Societal Impact of AI, Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity; Smarter Choices for Better Health; Vital Cities, Vital Citizens – are a good reflection of our academic and societal strengths.

Moreover, convinced that solving societal challenges is only possible when a diverse community works together in close collaboration, we are pursuing new forms of transdisciplinary knowledge development and knowledge integration. We do this by Convergence, a pioneering partnership between the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Erasmus Medical Center and the Technical University Delft.

Our three complementary institutions converge the medical, technical- and social sciences and humanities scientific areas, aiming to achieve free movement of people, data and knowledge, deep integration of knowledge, techniques, and expertise, to form improved understanding of, and integrated response to the world’s most pressing scientific and societal challenges.

Together we create positive societal impact, the Erasmian way.

Contact info

Jouke van Dijk
European Regional Science Association (ERSA) 
Tel. +32 (0)10 47 43 62

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Social Sciences

The European Regional Science Association (ERSA) is the supranational grouping of national regional science associations across Europe. Members are academics, policy professionals and researchers interested in spatial economics and planning, regional and local development and related issues. They are drawn largely from the disciplines of economics, geography and planning. There are presently 19 active associations (commonly named ’sections’), some, such as the German or French speaking sections, organized on linguistic groupings and covering more than one country. Constituent associations range in size from more than 700 members to 27. The largest sections have their own national professional organizers. In total ERSA has some 3500 members in its constituent associations.

The main functions of ERSA, apart from promoting the field of regional science, are to organise an annual European Congress, an annual Summer School, the EPAINOS prize for young scientists and the EIB-ERSA prize to recognise outstanding regional scientists.

Contact info

Marta Soler, President
Dagmar Danko, Director

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Social Sciences

The European Sociological Association (ESA) aims to facilitate sociological research, teaching and communication between sociologists, sociologists and other scientists, and to give sociology a voice in European affairs. Its focus is the development of sociological knowledge.

ESA is an academic association of sociologists and a non-profit Europe-wide association made up of 2800 members. It was established in 1994-95, following deliberations and consultations among sociologists from a diverse range of countries.

Europe is in the midst of massive changes. Sociology has much to contribute to European level debates and developments. The ESA has an important role to play in organising the European debate and setting the agenda.

For this purpose, the ESA organises and supports up to 40 events each term (two years) and publishes 2 scientific journals.

Regular reports about ESA's activities can be read in the European Sociologist.

Contact info

President  Asun López-Varela
University Complutense, Madrid

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The European Society of Comparative Literature/Société Européenne de Littérature Comparée ESCL/SELC is an association that has been actively promoting CompLit since 2003. Over time, it has gathered almost a 1000 members and over 3500 are  following its Facebook page. ESCL/SELC  has organized 8 international biennial congresses attracting participants from every corner of the globe. 

ESCL/SELC aims to provide a European space for interdisciplinary dialogues about culture, literature and literary studies and to facilitate exchanges of ideas and information among scholars, promoting international collaborative research and teaching, generating relevant debates through publications and international conferences, enabling the circulation of students and staff, and generally supporting and internationalising the work of regional, national, cross-national associations of comparative literature. 

Contact info

Aniceto Masferrer (Valencia)

Matthew Dyson (Cambridge)
Secretary General 

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Founded in 2009 in The Hague, the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) was born out of frustration with the narrow nationalism and geographical segregation of legal history in contemporary European scholarship and professional organisations.

We take a wider view.

The Society aims, of course, to promote comparative legal history, the explicit comparison of legal ideas and institutions in two or more legal traditions. We acknowledge, too, that comparative law and legal history (internal or external) are fundamentally related. Both comparatists and legal historians are travellers: the one in space, the other in time. If only to establish context to more restricted research, legal historians should always look beyond the spatial borders and jurisdictional boundaries—including our present national legal systems—that are themselves products of the past. This isn’t merely useful background information. Legal history in general, and European legal history in particular, was fundamentally plural, a dynamic interaction of multifarious common and particular laws. Legal historians shouldn’t ignore this.

The Society also appreciates the importance of generating dialogue across national and disciplinary boundaries to achieve our goals. To accomplish this, we have established a blog, held an inaugural conference, and begun co-operation with those with shared aims.