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Frédéric Clavert
Assistant Professor
Secretary of Humanistica

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Humanistica est l’association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales. Elle cherche à réunir autour d’actions communes toutes les personnes intéressées par le mouvement des digital humanities telles qu’elles peuvent s’exercer et se penser en langue française.

Humanistica is the French-speaking digital humanities association. It seeks to unite all those interested in the digital humanities movement around common actions that can be practiced and thought of in the French language.

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Kristian Petrov
Associate Professor of History of Ideas, senior lecturer in Cultural Studies
Karlstads universitet
SE-651 88 Karlstad
T: +46 76-111 43 68


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Humtank is a think tank for research and education in the humanities created by a unique collaboration between faculties of humanities at originally twelve and, from the autumn of 2017, fifteen Swedish universities. The purpose is to strengthen and enhance the role of the humanities both within and outside academic institutions. We also want to explain to the public the relevance and sustainability of the humanities in society as a whole.

We operate on a broad front and participate in public debate with the aim of establishing a humanities-oriented research policy and a fairer distribution of educational resources, as well as changing the public's perception of and attitudes towards the humanities.


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Chair: Professor Marie-Louise Coolahan
Co-Ordinator: Professor Sonja Tiernan
Royal Irish Academy
19 Dawson Street
Dublin 2
T: 00 353 (0) 1 609 0600

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The Irish Humanities Alliance (IHA) was formed in September 2013. It is a joint initiative of Humanities researchers within eleven higher education and research institutions, including all of the universities, North and South, Dublin Institute of Technology and the Royal Irish Academy.

The Alliance is working to generate public awareness of the importance of humanities teaching and research in higher education and society at large. It is concerned also to inform and shape public policy in both jurisdictions and in the EU.

The Alliance has established working groups to address the main areas of strategy which impinge on the roles of the humanities in education and research today. Through these it will aim to engage productively with policymakers and funders in the wider interests of the university systems in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

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Tanja Storsul,

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Social Sciences

The Institute for Social Research is an independent research institute in Oslo. The Institute for Social Research is organised as a foundation and has, since its establishment in 1950, played a vital role in the development of Norwegian social research.

The main research topics of the institute are: working life, media and the public sphere, gender equality, migration and integration, civil society, elections and democracy, and welfare.

Contact info

Dr Ivona Ladjevac
Deputy Director
Institute of International Politics and Economics
25 Makedonska St.
11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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Social Sciences

The Institute of International Politics and Economics (IIPE) in Belgrade is one of the oldest research institutes in south-eastern Europe dedicated to conducting research on international relations, with critical and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Founded in 1947 by a small group of researchers aiming to lay the foundations of Yugoslav International Relations, the Institute has gradually turned into the largest research organisation of its kind in former Yugoslavia.  

It has a long-standing international reputation in today′s Serbia. To the present day, IIPE carries out a wide variety of research encouraging the development of new and innovative analyses of world politics.

Contact info

Maja Andjelkovic
Advisor on Science Diplomacy

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Social Sciences

The Institute of Social Sciences is based in Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia. The Institute has six scientific research centres (Centre for Demographic Research, Centre for Politicological Research and Public Opinion, Centre for Economic Research, Centre for Legal Research, Centre for Sociological and Anthropological Research and Centre for Philosophy) and a staff of 38 doctoral degree holders and five master’s degree holders.

The work of the Institute is based on the research of basic social phenomena, promoting scientific thinking and developing scientific methodology in the domain of social sciences. The Institute has also focused on the professional development of scholars, developing cooperation with professional institutions and organisations, and implementing scientific research results in public policies.

So far, the Institute has published several hundreds of books and collected papers and thousands of articles and other research papers; conducted complex scientific research projects; organised international and national scientific conferences; developed scientific cooperation at international and national levels, and its staff and associates have actively participated in creating and developing public policies.

Contact info

Karin Wall
Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
T: +351 217 804 700

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Social Sciences

The Institute of Social Sciences (ICS – Instituto de Ciências Sociais) is a graduate school and research unit of the University of Lisbon. Its mission is based on a unique combination of top-quality fundamental research, advanced training and societal outreach via policy-relevant science and dissemination. This is achieved through support to ground-breaking, curiosity-driven projects and plural, robust theoretical and methodological approaches; a collaborative work environment, sustained by 7 Research Groups and their networks and partnerships; a commitment to post-graduate teaching and research training of young scholars in the main fields of the social sciences and history; reliable infrastructural drivers that strengthen the institutional capacity for original knowledge production and consistent societal impact; a commitment to science-society dialogue, knowledge transfer and a strong relationship between research and policy development.

The backbone of the research agenda - Changing Societies, Legacies and Challenges - is critical thinking on the conditions that shape contemporary societies and their processes of change, which result from both short-term external shocks and longstanding inner structural dynamics. Research expands across 3 intertwined thematic axes – Inclusion, Citizenship, Sustainability – which underpin ICS’ interdisciplinary agenda.

Contact info

Philippe Peycam, Director
Thomas Voorter, Communications Officer
Rapenburg 59
2311 GJ Leiden
The Netherlands
T +31-71-5272227


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Social Sciences

The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a global Humanities and Social Sciences institute and a knowledge exchange platform that supports with programmes which engage Asian and other international partners.

IIAS aims to contribute to a better and more integrated understanding of present-day Asian realities as well as to rethink 'Asian Studies' in a changing global context. 

IIAS takes a thematic and multisectoral approach to the study of Asia and actively involves scholars and experts from different disciplines and regions in its activities. IIAS thus acts as a global mediator, bringing together academic and non-academic actors. Its current thematic research clusters are Asian Heritages, Asian Cities, and Global Asia.

The activities of these clusters are all built around the notion of social agency and address questions relevant to present-day Asian societies, while paying attention to their cultural and historical contexts.

The Institute was established in 1993 by the Dutch Ministry of Education, originally as a joint cooperation between the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and three Dutch universities. It was established with the objective to encourage the interdisciplinary study of Asia and to promote national and international cooperation.

Today, IIAS is based at Leiden University, where it works as a globally oriented interdisciplinary institute with strong connections throughout the Netherlands, Europe, Asia and beyond. IIAS also acts as Secretariat for the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) and the European Alliance for Asian Studies (EAAS).

Contact info

Ortwin de Graef (Ortwijn)
Professor of English (Literary Studies)
Full professor Faculty of Arts

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Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Social Anthropology

KU Leuven is an international community where innovative research forms the basis of all our academic programmes. Across the university, driven researchers and curious students continually gain new insights and use their knowledge to tackle the foremost challenges of our time.

KU Leuven will celebrate its 600th anniversary in 2025, making it one of Europe’s oldest universities. Our institution has the double honour of being the oldest university in the Low Countries and the oldest extant Catholic university in the world.

Today, KU Leuven accommodates 50,000 students, spread across the various campuses in Leuven and elsewhere in Flanders. The University and University Hospitals Leuven each employ almost 10,000 people. For research, KU Leuven ranks among the world’s finest. KU Leuven has become a cosmopolitan institution in a rapidly changing urban environment. Its unique profile reconciles cutting-edge science with quality of life and openness to talent.

KU Leuven is dedicated to education and research in nearly all fields. Its fifteen faculties offer classes and degree-granting academic programmes, whilst research activities are organised by departments and research groups. These faculties and departments are clustered into three thematic groups: Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), and Biomedical Sciences. Each of these groups sponsors its own doctoral school for organising and awarding doctoral degrees.

KU Leuven boasts thirteen campuses, spread across 10 cities in Flanders.

Contact info

Raymunde Neven
Maastricht University
Graduate School of Business and Economics
M +31 6 38 31 22 76
T +31 43 388 28 79

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Maastricht University is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with 18,000 students and 4,400 employees, is still growing. The university stands out for its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education.

Thanks to its high-quality research and study programmes as well as a strong focus on social engagement, UM has quickly built up a solid reputation. Today it is considered one of the best young universities in the world.

Contact info

Petr Suchý, Ph.D.
Vice-rector for Internationalization
Masaryk University
T: +549498126

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Social Sciences
Social Anthropology
Natural Sciences

Founded in 1919, shortly after the establishment of independent Czechoslovakia, Masaryk University and its academic community have significantly contributed to the development of free and democratic Czechoslovakia.

Its activities are rooted in and guided by the values of respect, freedom and responsibility.
Today, Masaryk University with its highly international and dynamic environment, continues in the esteemed tradition of playing significant roles across all three main domains of higher education institutions – education, excellent research, and societal contribution and service to the community. The university comprises ten faculties and two research institutes, employing over seven thousand employees, and offers over 150 study programmes, with 20 per cent of these taught in English. It educates 33,000 students, including 7,000 from abroad, who all enjoy studying in Brno – one of the most popular student cities in the world.

It continuously improves its standings in international university rankings and, in the 2023 QS Sustainability Rankings, it was placed as the best of all Czech higher education institutions. Principles of sustainable development are integral to the university’s culture.

Masaryk University is dedicated to educating future leaders and stands as a leader and trendsetter in education, research, and culture. As a dynamic, growing and socially responsible higher education institution, it also prides itself on being a responsible and attractive employer, earnestly upholding principles of transparency, equality and non-discrimination. The university supports its employees in achieving their professional goals while also promoting a healthy a work-life balance.

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Net4Society coordination office
German Aerospace Center - Project Management Agency
Nina Braun, Project Coordinator

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Social Sciences

Within Horizon Europe, there are so-called National Contact Points (NCPs) – dedicated research consulting bureaus – which provide support and guidance in preparing proposals and project realisation. The EU funded project “Net4Society” is the international network of National Contact Points for Cluster 2, “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”.

The main goal of Net4Society is both to improve the quality of consulting and to support researchers in submitting successful proposals in this funding area as well as to increase the visibility of SSH research. National Contact Points are available to applicants in all EU member states and many other countries. They provide individual guidance and support in the application for European research funding for free.

Net4Society was originally founded in 2008 during the 7th European Research Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013) as the network of National Contact Points for Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities (SSH). Since 2008, Net4Society has been increasing the quality of consulting in the field of social sciences and humanities and currently for SC6, through capacity building and networking measures. Currently, over 80 NCPs in 59 countries in Europe and beyond are part of the network.

Contact info

President of the Network  Nadia Al-Bagdadi
office: Agnes Bendik

Mylène Trouvé
T: +33 (0)1 49 54 21 49
At the RFIEA Foundation
190 avenue de France
75013 Paris - FRANCE 

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Social Sciences

The Network brings together 25 Institutes for Advanced Study across Europe. It was created in 2004 to stimulate a dialogue on IAS practices and possible forms of cooperation. Within the whole network, more than 500 researchers are hosted every year for up to one full academic year.

NetIAS members share the objective of creating international and multidisciplinary learning communities. This openness and the freedom the fellows enjoy for their researches serve to promote scientific and intellectual exchanges. The fellows are released from their usual teaching and research obligations and pursue their project in a privileged environment, that stimulates reflexion and innovation.  IAS tend to break from the intellectual routines, thus fostering the emergence of new perspectives, approaches and paradigms.

While sharing a common vision concerning the freedom of research, and representing an alternative to the national institutions of higher education and research, the IAS offer a considerable diversity in terms of fellowship conditions: individual or collective fellowships; invitations or open calls for applications; one academic year residencies or shorter periods. Furthermore, their scientific policies are characterized by different thematic or geographical orientations, a diverse openness to natural and hard sciences, or a special commitment to promoting early career researchers.

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Dean, Faculty Social and Educational Sciences

Prof. Jesper Aagaard Petersen

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NTNU is a university with an international focus, with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Ålesund and Gjøvik. 

NTNU has a main profile in science and technology, a variety of programmes of professional study, and great academic breadth that also includes the humanities, social sciences, economics, medicine, health sciences, educational science, architecture, entrepreneurship, art disciplines and artistic activities.

NTNU has four strategic areas of research in 2014–2023: sustainability, energy, oceans, and health.

Contact info

Main contact point
jouni-Matti Kukkanen
Professor in Philosophy
Department of History of Sciences and Ideas Research Director
The Eudaimonia Institute for the Human Sciences

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Social Sciences
Natural Sciences

The University of Oulu is an international science university that creates new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through research and education. The University of Oulu, founded in 1958, is one of the largest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.

Our educational mission is to provide higher education based on research, and to educate youth to serve society and humanity. The overall aim is to further improve the quantitative and qualitative results and impact of education.