Contact info

Julia Boman
Science Officer
European Science Foundation 
1, quai Lezay-Marnésia - BP 90015
67080 Strasbourg cedex – France
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 76 21 71

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ESF is committed to promoting the highest quality science in Europe to drive progress in research and innovation. 

We work closely with our members, customers and partners, sharing our expertise and offering solution-orientated services aimed at increasing the quality and effectiveness of science and science-related activities in Europe.

ESF has had an enormous and lasting impact on the science community within Europe and beyond. 
With 42 years’ experience in all areas of research, ESF was originally set up as a coordinating body for Europe’s main research funding and research performing organisations. In that time, the Foundation has supported over 2,000 programmes and networks, gathering more than 300,000 scientists from 186 countries through funding from 80 Member Organisations in 30 countries. 

As the research landscape has evolved, so too has ESF’s role in supporting scientific endeavours. ESF’s traditional research support activities (EUROCORES, European Collaborative Research Projects, Exploratory Workshops, Research Networking Programmes) have been concluded to make room for a new expert services division called Science Connect.

Science Connect delivers practical, skilled and interdisciplinary support and consultancy services across all sectors of the science community.

ESF continues in its role as host to high-level expert boards and committees, and supports them in achieving their objectives. ESF also continues to serve its member organisations through the following activities: 

  • Access to key decision-makers through its broad network
  • Strategic advice and road mapping
  • Support for access to EU funding
  • Privileged access to scientific services
  • Specialised seminars and reports
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Rafael de Miguel González
Tel.: 34 876554845

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EUROGEO is a respected authoritative body for research, training and education in geography, GIS and related subject areas, including transport, agriculture, demographics, environment and earth science. EUROGEO has a strong track record in digital skills and jobs, online training and resources and specifically in supporting the use of open data and developing open scientific enquiry and open learning opportunities. 

The association has participatory status in the Council of Europe as the professional voice of geographers in Europe and participates in the Parliamentary Assembly, Committee of Regions and other pillars of the Council. EUROGEO has consultative status in the United Nations, where it provides expert advice on issues associated with data and development in  the United Nations, for example in the UN Urban Agenda as part of the HABITAT programme and in UNESCO at the Education committee.

Contact info

Dr Hartmut Mayer, Acting Director

Contact point: Susanne Heinrich 
Administrator | The Europaeum
99 Banbury Road | Oxford OX2 6JX | United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 01865 284480


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The Europaeum is an association of 10 leading European university institutions, designed to serve as an 'international university without walls', in which future scholars and leaders of our new Europe will have an opportunity to share common learning and confront common concerns together.

The Europaeum was founded in 1992 as an association of European universities, with a mission to:

  • promote excellence in academic research and teaching collaboration between Europaeum partners;
  • act as an open academic network linking Europaeum partners and other bodies in the joint pursuit of study;
  • serve as a resource for the general support and promotion of European studies;
  • provide opportunities for the joint pursuit of new pan-European initiatives;
  • explore new ways and new roles for universities to fulfill their many roles in the new Learning Age;
  • develop a ‘pool of talent’ to carry out research and inquiry into problems and questions confronting Europe today and tomorrow;
  • help train and educate future leaders for a new Europe.

Europaeum programmes include research projects, annual conferences and student summer schools, lectures, joint teaching programmes, public debates, staff mobility schemes, linked scholarship schemes, and a developing knowledge platform.

Contact info

Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, ECREA president
John Downey, Vice-President

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ECREA is a learned society of communication scholars devoted to development of communication research and higher education in Europe.

ECREA is organised into 24 thematic Sections, each developing a distinctive field of communication studies, 4 Temporary Working Groups which focus on emerging or underrepresented fields within media and communication studies, and 3 permanent Networks representing specific socio-demographic categories of scholars. 

Driven by volunteer work of over one hundred Section, Temporary Working Group and Network Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and eleven-member Executive Board, ECREA is an association with strong bottom-up organisational culture, where various projects and ideas are emerging and materialising through creative energy and enthusiasm of our members.

Contact info

Anna Serpente
European Language Council


With 20 years of policy-making history, our association brings together committed language specialists from around the European continent and beyond to support Europe's language infrastructure, improving societal and individual multilingualism and promoting quality language learning.

Filling a unique niche in Europe's language panorama, the CEL/ELC has unique contact to universities, language institutions, the Council of Europe, and the European Commission, mediating at the various levels to envisage, anticipate and adapt to the future language landscape.

Membership in the CEL/ELC grants institutions and language specialists access to a wide variety of projects and like-minded colleagues in similar language fields, and is open to all institutions of higher education and all national and international associations with a special interest in languages. Additionally, we accept applications for associate membership for individuals.

Contact info

Stefan Swift
Media and Communications Officer
European Social Survey ERIC
City University of London
+44 (0)20 7040 4907
+44 (0)7976 682 285

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The European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC) is an academic cross-national survey measuring attitudes and behaviour. Every two years, up to 50,000 face-to-face interviews are conducted across Europe on a wide range of subjects. Since its implementation in 2002, over 425,000 interviews have been undertaken over nine rounds in 38 countries. All European Social Survey data is published anonymously, and made available for free for non-commercial use. As at 3 July 2020, over 160,000 people have registered to download or access the data online. This has led to the publication of 4,417 academic articles that analyse the data (2004-18). The development of the ESS was led by Professor Sir Roger Jowell and Professor Max Kaase at the European Science Foundation (ESF) in 1995.

The ESS became the first social science project to win the annual Descartes Prize for Excellence in Scientific Collaborative Research, awarded by the European Union, in 2005. Included on European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap in 2006, 2008 and 2010, the project was recognised as an ESFRI Landmark in 2016. In 2013, the ESS was awarded European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) status by the European Commission. The project was awarded the Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba (LPV) Dataset Award 2020 by the Comparative Politics Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA).

Contact info

Claire Prater
Executive Administrator

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The European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA) was founded in 2014 to create a hub for social work research development, collaboration and exchange across Europe. Arising from overwhelming levels of engagement in the European Social Work Research Conference, the Association now has over 600 members from across more than 33 countries.

ESWRA’s vision is to take forward the development, practice and utilization of social work research to enhance knowledge about individual and social problems, and to promote just and equitable societies.

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Prof. Eve Patten
Director of Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Institute

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Trinity prides itself as both a national and international leader. Trinity College Dublin is Ireland's oldest and most internationally prominent university, as well as being active members of several university alliances, such as LERU, Coimbra and the CHARM-EU network.

Here in Trinity, we have for centuries made a distinguished contribution to the intellectual, social, and artistic life of Dublin and of Ireland. We are proud to be able to continue this long tradition of exciting research, teaching, writing, and public engagement. We are the inheritors, the custodians, but also the pioneers of research and thinking in our fields.   

The Faculty is the largest and most diverse in the University, comprising of 12 Schools and a total of 25 Disciplines. Our Schools include most of the highest ranked subject areas in the University, many of them internationally renowned and ranked in the top 50 worldwide (QS Rankings). Furthermore, we play an important part in the cultural and intellectual life of the institution, the city, and the nation. The Faculty is home to a major interdisciplinary research institute in the Arts and Humanities, the Trinity Long Room Hub, and to Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS), a broad-based endeavour encompassing the best of our research and thinking in the Social Sciences.

At undergraduate level, the Faculty is home to over 7,000 students, studying for single honor and joint honor degrees. The Schools are also home to a large number of internationally-regarded taught Master’s programmes. Each of the Schools has a large and active community of research students and postdoctoral research fellows.

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Els van Drimmelen

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Social Anthropology
Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences enjoys a prominent standing within the social sciences sector in Europe and is the largest educational and research institution in the social and behavioural sciences in Europe.

Our research and education address societal and human behaviour related themes from the following disciplines:

  • Child Development and Education
  • Communication
  • Psychology
  • Social Sciences (Anthropology, Human Geography, Planning & International Development Studies, Political Science, Sociology)

The Faculty offers a large number of programmes and courses to ca. 8,000 students from the Netherlands and abroad, at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Contact info

Søren Kristiansen
Vice dean of The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Aalborg University

Martine Kaalund Duun
Strategic Advisor
Dean's Office

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Our focus at The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is on major societal challenges, public services and innovation, growth and jobs, and cultural and societal dynamics. With this focus, we contribute to creating good conditions for our society to navigate and make decisions.

Scholars at The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities disseminate their expert knowledge and qualify the public debate on current issues relating to society, nationally and internationally. The climate crisis, integration problems, poor well-being among children and young people, pressure on the healthcare system, digital transformation and other complex challenges place new demands on both basic research and research with an application-oriented aim.

The faculty's distinctive features are basic and applied research of a high international quality within the social sciences and humanities as well as the research intersection between the two academic areas. Our mission-oriented and interdisciplinary approach enables us to create breakthroughs, ideas and method tools that can help ensure a sustainable (global) society and learning in the 21st century.

Contact info

Prof. Paul Schubert
Secrétaire général de la FIEC
7, rue des Beaux-Arts
2000 NEUCHATEL (Switzerland)

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The International Federation of Associations of Classical Studies (FIEC) is an umbrella organization that covers most associations of classical studies of national importance around the world. Its aim is to foster cooperation among classical scholars by disseminating information among affiliated associations, enabling direct contact between Delegates, informing governmental authorities on the importance of classical studies. It also contributes to the support of classical studies on all continents, and more generally takes any apropriate action that will help to sustain classical studies at an international level.

Every five years, FIEC holds an International Congress which gathers scholars from all parts of the world and from all sub-fields of classical studies ; this is coupled with a General Assembly of Delegates ; another General Assembly of Delegates is held once between congresses.

Contact info

Monika Vettovaglia
Communication Officer
University of Lausanne
Géopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne
+41 (0)21 692 37 47

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FORS is the Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences. We implement large-scale national and international surveys, offer data and research information services to researchers and academic institutions, and conduct methodological and thematic research. FORS is financed by the Federal Government (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI), by contributions from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and by the University of Lausanne.

Our strategic priorities are the following:

  • Data and consulting services for social science researchers and research institutions in Switzerland

This includes data collections as part of the national and international social science infrastructure and services on a mandate basis supporting the entire data life cycle of social science projects in Switzerland.

  • Providing tools for the national and international information infrastructure

We acquire, document, preserve and disseminate high quality quantitative and qualitative data and research information in conformity with national and international standards.

  • Doing research related to methodological and thematic research

Thanks to its own research activities, FORS is an integral part of the social science research community in Switzerland. To fulfil its key mission, FORS participates in academic research in two main fields: thematic and methodological research.

Contact info

Dr Stefan Meysman, Coordinator Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies
Ghent University
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35 (UFo, 2nd floor, room 004)
9000 Gent
+32 9 331 02 28

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In Belgium, Ghent University has been a pioneer in its strategy for quality enhancement and impact of SSH research since 2012. Supportive measures included a structural investment in interdisciplinary research consortia in the fields of culture & heritage, psychology, global studies, criminology and economics.

In 2018-2019, the university reinforced its efforts, leveraging these consortia towards even more ambitious interdisciplinary collaborations and societal impact. Next, UGent funded a university-wide roll-out of the initiative. There now exist ten competitively selected Interdisciplinary Consortia for Societal Impact (IDC), covering a wide variety of disciplines in SSH and STEMM, and breaking down traditional barriers inside academia as well as with stakeholders.

Contact info

Risto Kunelius
Professor of Media and Communication Studies
Helsinki Inequality Initiative (INEQ)
University of Helsinki

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The Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities promotes a new interdisciplinary research culture nationally and internationally. We are building a new, interdisciplinary research culture that creates the conditions for new research openings and promotes the renewal of content and methodology in the SSH research areas. Our goal is to be among the five best scientific institutes in Europe in our field by 2030.

The Institute is a joint unit of the Faculty of Arts, Educational Sciences, Law, Theology and Social Sciences, as well as the Swedish School of Social Sciences (SSKH), the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS) and the Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences (HYMY).

The Insititutes' tasks:

  • Strengthen the research collaboration in the social sciences and humanities to generate new multidisciplinary research projects
  • Coordinate the efficient use of research infrastructures
  • Promote the scientific and social impact of social sciences and humanities research nationally and internationally
  • Long-term development of research methods and the utilization of digital data
  • Improve researchers' access to external research funding – specifically from international sources.


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Chair of HERA Network Board



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HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area – is a network of 26 Humanities Research Funders from 25 countries across Europe. The network’s mission is to promote and support European arts and humanities research through research funding, collaboration and advocacy.

HERA is committed to the view that historical, cultural, artistic and philosophical knowledge is indispensable for understanding humanity’s past, for dealing with the key societal challenges of the present, and for imagining possible futures. HERA supports the methods of reflective critique, transnational collaboration and interdisciplinarity and is dedicated to building relationships among humanities researchers across Europe and enabling the widespread sharing of knowledge and expertise.

HERA is also committed to bringing arts and humanities research into productive dialogue with policymakers, industry and the wider public. With the objective of firmly establishing the humanities in the European Research Area and in the European Commission Framework Programmes, HERA, with co-funding from the European Commission, has developed and implemented four rounds of transnational humanities calls for proposals to date.