Annual Prize of the Young Academy of Europe to Gabi Lombardo
The Young Academy of Europe awarded their annual prize to Gabi Lombardo, Director of EASSH.
Pathways for Impact from SSH Research
In November 2018, the Austrian Presidency organises a conference to show how research responds to several strategic developments, which are shaping European policy discussions.
A new, modern Multiannual Financial Framework for a European Union that delivers efficiently on its priorities post-2020
On 14 February, an EU communication addressed to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council shows the importance of doubling the investment in research and innovation.
Key competences for Life Long Learning, Council recommendations fail to recognise social and humanities skills
Allocate equal importance to skills and competences in the fields of social sciences and humanities from an early age is essential for educating the next generation of European citizens.
Call on the EU to strengthen SSH research and improve its integration in FP9.
Double Investment in Research, Innovation and Education. The plea of University Associations and National Research Performing Organisations
EASSH has joined several European organisations for a joint statement to Double the FP9 Budget.